Based on our recent dealer surveys, it looks like BMW is back and has a real hit with the new 3-series.

And the reason it is a hit, is not just because the sales numbers are strong.

The best news for BMW is not that people are buying it (of course, that's good), but WHO is buying it.

Dealers are reporting to us that they are extremely encouraged that the BMW faithful like it.

But the big win for them, is that they are seeing a whole new clientele walking into dealerships that they have never seen before.

It looks like the prediction we made a few months ago was bang on.

The reason the rear end of the 3 and recent BMW's look so Asian are because they are ACTIVELY seeking this audience.

And the strategy is working.

Accord, Acura, Nissan and Toyota owners are trading their vehicles for the new 3.


Customers in this segment are getting more sophisticated and are demanding more than their Asian products can offer, in terms of driving experience.

And this customer is more brand conscious than ANY other segment in the business.

Congrats to our friends at BMW on a job well done!

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