In the ever evolving world of automotive tuners, there is always something new and "hot." But I am confident that our job is to separate the wheat from the chaff, if you catch my drift.
That's why we've devised our AWESOME or AWFUL segment. Instead of us calling it how we see it always, we flipped the table around so you can weigh in. That's the great thing about social media -- it's like King Arthur's round table, everyone has an equal say as long as they participate.
This neatly brings me to tonight's question that I, frankly, don't have the answer to. I just can't seem to figure this out; however, in my ventures to local car meets big and small, I've noticed that A LOT of tuners are beginning to do something...odd.
Their painting the wheels on their rides BRIGHT colors. Not a simple hue either. We're talking like HOT pink or HOT green or any other HOT color you can think of.
Now being that I am an objective third party, I usually can see the benefits in any treatment or decision.
In this case I am just not getting it.
So, since I am "out of the loop" on this one can someone clue me in?
Are these hot-colored wheels AWESOME or AWFUL?
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