Congratulations to PlanoA4 for being our first winner in our monthly article submission contest!

He zoomed by everyone else and was the number one poster on in July and also had the higest quality submissions.

So enjoy your new Passport 8500 radar detector!!!

We will have another Passport 8500 on deck for August to the person who who submits the most high quality articles on!!!!

As you know, we've announced we will be giving away cool monthly prizes for the best content submissions (articles, photos, news tips).

The winner will be judged by a combination of things...

The quality, as well as the quantity of articles, news tips and photos.

So spy best stuff you can find and you may be the lucky winner of this 'best of breed' radar detector!

***Looks like Plano_TX is putting on a clinic and has the lead in number of submissions!!!! Are you all just going to let him win uncontested? It's not too late to beat him...but you MUST get started by posting articles and photos now!!!!*** announces July article submission contest winner!

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