Tag Link: AutoWeek


As a former subscriber seeing the size of the issues get smaller and smaller and containing less unique news, it comes as NO shock to us, that AutoWeek has announced they will no longer publish weekly.

International Business Times is reporting that they will be switching to a bi-monthly publication.

They claim there will be more relevant content but you will get half as many issues.

"I'm thrilled to be able to make a great brand better," said AutoWeekEditor and Associate Publisher, Dutch Mandel. "The changes demonstrate our commitment to evolve in an ever-changing world. Our readers now demand news the moment it happens (LOLOL!!!!), which we provide to them at autoweek.com. Thesechanges will allow us to deliver more in-depth coverage in our products. Ourreaders will be excited and pleased."

Hey KC, maybe it's time to get it over with and write us the check so we can show you how do it right.

Or have the girl in the pic do your auto news naked. ;)

AutoWeek Magazine Going Bi-Bi?

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