Agent00R submitted on 6/25/2010 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 10:01:49 AM
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Jeez, and I thought I was having a bad day.Sometimes you see something and you cannot help but say "WTF?!" This is one of those situations.Apparently sitting on a New York City street corner is a NYPD police cruiser that has had done to it. Was this a prop being used for a movie? Everything appears to have been done quite cleanly and its interior appears to be in good shape.I don't know what to make of this, do you?Fill in the blank."Man, that cop car looks like ____________."[Source: Goopeg VIA Digg] 2011 Panamera and Cayenne V6 Launch Photo Gallery2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Photo Gallery2011 Lexus LFA Photo Gallery2011 Frozen Gray BMW M3 Photo Gallery 2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder Photo Photo GalleriesIf you want to see your photos running on our homepage photo ticker, be sure to upload your photos on the go by sending them to Share on FacebookRead Article
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"There are two opinions in this world. Mine and the wrong one." -- Jeremy Clarkson— Agent00R (View Profile)
"There are two opinions in this world. Mine and the wrong one." -- Jeremy Clarkson
— Agent00R (View Profile)
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