If you're a fan of Britain's Top Gear, you likely know by now that there's something quintessentially British about Morgans. The fact they're so old-school and continue to make any feel as though it's the mid 1900s and you need your leather helmet.

I mean, what other vehicle do you know of that's still built from wood? I reckon not many.

Now bring into the picture Jay Leno. His vast collection features a swath of interesting vehicles, such as steam-powered autos and even a firetruck. If there's anyone that "gets" the beauty and unique quality of Morgans' products, it's him.

But there's a twist. This isn't your standard Morgan. That's where XKs Unlimited steps into the picture.

I'll leave the rest to the clip.

DRIVEN + VIDEO: Jay Leno Goes For A Quintessentially British Ride — Don't Mind The BIG-TIME Mods

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