OK. For those of you not in the loop, AutoSpies has a really successful demographic of visitors. In fact, a good chunk of our visitors — from the data I can see — shows that a lot of our users are professionals working in finance.

The thing is a lot of the time in finance you may find yourself in the position to lead a new group or department or take a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity overseas. And considering that London is arguably the new finance capital of the world, it's not out of the question you could find yourself over there for a few years working in Canary Wharf.

Let's say you did decide to embark on this life changing experience and you were provided the funding to ship ONE domestic vehicle to Europe as your main mode of transportation: What AMERICAN auto would YOU pick to go abroad?

Would you pick something "baller," and gigantic, like a Cadillac Escalade?

What about a muscle car — which actually are loved for the most part — like the Dodge Challenger?

What say you, Spies?

If You Got Transferred To Europe And YOU HAD To Ship An American Ride There To Be Your Daily Driver WHICH Would It Be?

About the Author
