Here is the USA the talks of the bailout have been tabled and the focus is on the recovery.

Not the economic recovery, the recovery of WAY too much Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, blah, blah, blah THEN dessert!


Talk about caloric overload!

So in keeping with the Thanksgiving theme  (we hope all who celebrated Thursday, had a great one with family and friends and we're thankful for YOUR support of!), we ant to have some fun and find out of all the vehicles you've owned, which was the biggest turkey?

The one that you hated the most for whatever reason or reasons.

And be sure to share WHY you hated it.

I'll start.

GMC Envoy XL.

Combine the worst suspension, build quality, reliability, fuel economy, sluggishness with the feeling that you are never in control of it at ANY speed.

Who will be next?

Pass the TURKEY please!

In Keeping With The Thanksgiving Theme, Which Was The Biggest TURKEY Of A Vehicle You've Owned?

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