Agent009 submitted on 4/10/2009 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 9:00:48 AM
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The New York Auto Show showed us all that that contrary to popular opinion the automotive market still has plenty of life left in it. With the debut of several new models and the refreshing of a slew of staple products there was a bit for everyone this year. We even had some real excitement this year when our own Agent001 was booted by an embarrassed promoter from the show on opening day for posting a reader submitted image of the Acura ZDX one day before its grand debut. It might have been bad enough that we posted the shot, but when our good friends over at Jalopnik took notice, the fire got significantly hotter. So hot in fact the rumors swirled the Acura and Honda threatened to pull out of the show in protest for the security breach! Now we might be more understanding if there was an embargo on the ZDX, but Acura never issued a single wisp of an embargo on the super secret ZDX. But ejection from the show failed to stop the Auto Spies crew, because there always is a backup plan, and Agent001 wisely had other undercover operatives on site.You can see the fruits of their efforts with some of the excellent shots currently in the New York Auto Show Gallery. Check some of my favorites below, but take a look through and let us know what is your favorite. 2009 New York Auto Show Photo Gallery If you want to see your photos running on our homepage photo ticker, be sure to upload your photos on the go by sending them to There are photos and then there are photos! is ranked number one on Google search for auto shows
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."— Agent009 (View Profile)
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."
— Agent009 (View Profile)
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