Agent009 submitted on 4/3/2015 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 3:52:39 PM
Views : 14,022 | Category: New Cars | Source:
NYIAS is open to the public but the impact is still being felt around AutoSpies HQ. One of the hottest topics of discussion around the water cooler has got to be the new Maxima. Nissan took us all by surprise by following an excellent reboot of the Murano with an equally superb redesign of the flagship Maxima.While there are a few traditionalists in the crowd that insist they need to see the new “Max” in person before passing final judgement. Everyone else is fully on board with the new Nissan bandwagon. What is the biggest unanswered question? By far, the staff on hand wants to know who will buy a current Q40 or Q50 when you have a top line Maxima out there for thousands less.Will The Maxima steal any thunder from Infiniti?Stay tuned to for the latest breaking news from the 2015 New York Auto Show!The 2015 New York Auto Show Photo Galleries are sponsored by Lexus.New York Auto Show New York Auto ShowNew York Auto Show
Stay tuned to for the latest breaking news from the 2015 New York Auto Show!The 2015 New York Auto Show Photo Galleries are sponsored by Lexus.New York Auto Show
New York Auto Show
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."— Agent009 (View Profile)
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."
— Agent009 (View Profile)
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