As we all get on with the start of the week, we're seeing a lot of gloom and doom. With the markets set to take yet another plunge today and coronavirus continuing to spread within the United States, it's not all sunshine and flowers this morning.

At least it's poised to be a beautiful, 68-degree day in New Jersey today.

On the horizon is the 2020 New York Auto Show (NYIAS). With all of the commotion around COVID-19, organizers have sent around an email saying the show will go on, as of last week. It was very reassuring, noting that there would be many Purell stations located throughout the show floor.

From what we're hearing through the grapevine, however, manufacturers will be making decisions VERY soon. THINK: The deadlines for vendors and shipping cars is basically here.

All that said, we've got to ask: IF you were betting, would you say the 2020 NYIAS is ON or OFF? Place your bet!

#NYIAS: Place Your BETS! Will The Show Go On Or Is It DOOMED Due To Coronavirus?

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