Agent 001 said to me a week or two ago that he was tired of all the bad news about gas prices and I had to agree with him. But like it or not they are currently a fact of life and something we all deal with on a daily basis.
I am going to make the bold assumption that if you are a regular reader here at that you probably have more than just a passing interest in cars. With that being said, I propose we get out and drive this summer.
You heard me, drive. Schools are starting to let out across the country, and with Memorial Day being the unofficial start of summer, vacations are being planned.
Instead of fighting lines and crowds at Disney and instead of battling cranky TSA agents at the airport, why not plan a vacation that utilizes some of the many hundreds of thousands of miles of beautiful serene roads throughout this great country.
And in the process since all of you are spread out across this great country, why not share some of the hidden treasures you know about in your neck of the woods. And include a picture or two in the process to share with the rest of us.
For me, two of my favorites include the drive up the coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco. This scenic route includes some breathtaking looks at nature as well as some challenging twists and curves that allow you to explore the limits of your car.

The other that immediately comes to mind is Route 18 to 330 heading up out of Highland to go up to Big Bear California. For me this piece of road is one that needs to be enjoyed by every car enthusiast out there. Going up and down the mountain is an event unto itself, and the scenes and views available are incredible. Not to mention the challenging road itself which allows you to explore your car as well.

So, with Memorial Day upon us I ask you, what hidden roads built specifically for driving enthusiast do you know about that you are willing to share with the rest of us. Who knows, that next Lexus, or BMW or Mercedes with out of state plates may just be one of us coming to enjoy this great country in your neck of the woods.
Have a happy Memorial Day, and don't forget to stop and remember those who fought so we can be free.