There has been a lot of speculation lately as to when and where the price of gas may finally settle at. Analyst along with the media did a pretty good job preparing us for $4.00 a gallon gasoline, and as it quickly rises to or above that benchmark, the speculation is already beginning again as to the next new high.
Politics aside, gasoline will reach a point that compels people into different driving habits. For me personally that number hasn't been reached yet, but I know that we have been blessed tremendously with what we have and that others aren't quite as fortunate and as such the rising price of gas has had a negative impact.
If gas hits $7.00 or more per gallon, how would that affect you and your driving habits. Within the same vein however, assuming that you read because you are a auto enthusiast, which car(s) would you like to see produced as a hybrid to help satisfy your automotive craving while helping to save fuel?
Sadly with the price of diesel rising faster than gasoline, lets take the diesel option off the table and focus purely on a hybrid technology. Which cars would you like to see this technology applied to first. Obviously a hybrid Ferrari or Lamborghini while fun, probably won't cut it as your daily driver so give a little thought and offer your opinion below.
When Agent 001 posted his review of the Ford Escape Hybrid a lot of people commented about his review, but lets face the truth, current choices in hybrid vehicles are lacking. With the exception of the Tesla, there are few performance focused options available.

For me personally a BMW 3-Series hybrid which offers all of the performance of a 335i, but with the efficiency of a Toyota Prius.

Maybe we can even get 001 to weigh in here as he has had quite a bit of experience with the Lexus LS600. I know the time spent with that car is more than just a simple road test up and down the 5 Freeway in Southern California, and as such the insight he has to offer is appreciated here as well.
What would you like to see as a hybrid and why???