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Have you ever wondered how fast the Batmobile is? or what kind of performance will it perform? well you can wonder no more because the detailed review of Batmans car is here, did you know all the gadgets seen in the movie of this Batmobile Auto is fully functional, like the Spherical bombs could be deployed from its sides. An afterburner was housed in the back. 2 machine guns hidden behind flaps in each fender Its Grappling hook, once hooked on a structure, serves as an anchor to allow the Batmobile Auto to make an extremely sharp turn at high speed that its pursuers cannot follow. It has superhydraulics for course changes, a central "foot" capable of lifting the Auto and rotating it 180°, and a batdisc ejector side-mounted that could fire precisely 15 Batdiscs in 1-second pulse, and what's even better the Jet Turbine engine is true to life functional.

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The Batmobile true to life review

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