Though the all-new Chevrolet Corvette's exterior design has been widely liked by gearheads, the Chevrolet purists seem to have a bit of an issue. Yup, again. This time it's the rear taillights, which are squared off and give off a bit of a Camaro-esque vibe.

The problem is that these Corvette fiends typically find an issue with just about every next-gen car. Remember the hullabaloo that ensued when Chevrolet debuted the C6 with — gasp — fixed headlights instead of those cheesy pop-ups? You would have thought the world ended!

But now a General Motors designer is speaking out against the criticism and if YOU want to hear what he's gotta say, scope out the video below...

Tom Peters, GM's performance vehicle design director, spent some time with us recently and didn't shrink from responding to the criticism of the Stingray's taillights.

**Click "Read Article" to WATCH the GM designer defend the all-new look

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VIDEO: GM Designer DEFENDS The All-New Corvettes Taillights

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