I'll be straightforward with you guys and girls. I am not a parent. That means there is a plethora of things I have yet to experience and will not know about until that day, if ever, comes.

But I will say that I've noted what advertisements, regardless of brand or industry, seem to strike a chord when I am watching the 'ol boob tube with my mother and father. Most often than not, it's the advertising that involves parents and the coming of age of their spawn.

In Hyundai's first outed Super Bowl commercial named "Dad's Sixth Sense," it shows a variety of situations where dad comes to the rescue. I'll let Hyundai show you how it works itself in here.

Set to Bruno Mars' — who will be performing during this year's half-time show — "Count on Me" it seems like a perfect way to tug at parents' heartstrings.

That said, what do YOU parents think of this spot? Is it a winner?

Remember when no one could save the day like Dad? That was then. This is next. Experience the All-New Hyundai Genesis at

Lexus is the exclusive sponsor of the 2014 Detroit Auto Show Photo Galleries.

2014 Detroit Auto Show

VIDEO: Hyundai Drops One Of Its Super Bowl Ads And Is Sure To Get Parents Attention

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