It's hard to believe but Tesla is now operating in uncharted territory. That's because it is the US' most valuable automotive company, ever.

Hard to believe, eh?

Well, regardless of how well shareholders are doing right now, it is still a company fraught with issues. Take, for example, its customers who still believe their vehicles are impenetrable to danger so long as Autopilot is switched on.

One Model 3 owner found out the hard way, that's simply not the case.

While driving in rainy situation, one owner started video'ing his vehicle as the Autopilot mode was switched on. We assume his hands were fully off the steering wheel as they're holding the camera but we cannot say with certainty. In short order, the vehicle hydroplanes, loses control, and spins off the road and into some greenery.

Thankfully, the driver was not seriously injured or killed.

Just before the crash happens, you can see the driver's speed is 75 mph. That said, we've got to ask: Who's at fault here? The negligent driver who was speeding in the rain? Or, Tesla who has not clearly marketed the true capabilities of the Autopilot feature?

What say you, Spies?

I Love Tesla, but yes my car crashed on auto pilot. I am okay for the most part and car is being repaired. Enjoy

VIDEO: Who's To BLAME For This Tesla Model 3's Autopilot Crash? The DRIVER? Tesla?

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