Tag Links: Porsche, 911, vintage


Renowned South African Art Dealer Gavin Rooke gathered together a group of great craftsmen to design and exquisitely remanufacture a series of vintage Porsche 911/912 cars as race worthy and collectable works of art. Once built, Gavin and his Dutchmann team takes these DUTCHMANN Edition Weekend Racer Porsches to various African desert and hill climb races. Here in these super short series, we see, Gavin Rooke and his Dutchmann Porsche team, make their way from Cape Town to the hill climb race at Knysna.

Now on EDITION _CTREAMER for the iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/edition-ctreamer/id1215438438

Vintage Porsche 911 in the South African Desert - African Racer

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