Well they just announced the bailout went bust so that should be a good segue into our new regular Friday feature, WEB RAGE FRIDAY.

Here's how it works...

Post your comments on WHATEVER is on your mind, jazzing you or just plain frying your ass.

And it doesn't have to be just about cars although that subject makes the most sense here...Voice your opinion on anything that's happened this week in in vogue.

If you bought a new car and you're fired up, tell us.

If you got hosed by a dealer or your significant other...share it!

You get the idea.

And all we ask is to keep it clean and be respectful.

We didn't say don't vent happiness or anger, just be clean and respectful.

I think a lot of posters forget that you can say something in colorful language if you use your brain and don't have to drop the F-Bomb.

I'll kick this thing off with my rant to get the show going so check the comments for my rant.

Have at it boys and girls!

And remember RAGE here, NOT on the road!

WEB RAGE FRIDAY! Bailout Goes Bust And Chaos Abounds- What's YOUR Beef THIS Week?

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