When you take a trip to the dealer to pick up a new set of wheels, who's really making the decision? You, your wife or is it a joint effort?

Although I have a significant other, I haven't taken the plunge just yet.

That said, an interesting study has emerged and it's saying that woman are starting to carry some weight in the showroom. Granted, I don't know if this is a real data point as I've met many folks who haven't made an automobile purchase without first consenting the management's [significant other's] approval.

Another interesting data point from the study hinted that women that formerly did not make a purchase — or made an entry-level purchase — during the great recession, are now making midlevel purchase decisions. In other words, they're getting more pricy cars with more bells and whistles. Can't blame them for treating themselves.

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...A poll among new-car owners in December, 2012, by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers found 72% of men believe they had the most influence over the purchase, but 60% of women thought they had the most say.

Who's right? The jury's still out. But CNW's numbers suggest women's clout at the dealership has grown. "Women influence car buying more now," Spinella said. "At the same time, they influence pricing of the cars that are bought more now."

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Who's REALLY Making The Buying Decision In YOUR Household?

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