It seems funny to me to be starting a story about Infiniti by mentioning Hyundai, but I don't feel it fair to not mention them when writing about Infiniti right now.  A Korean company who has largely been ignored by the automotive world for the last 20 years suddenly is making an impact in a BIG way with products I honestly think other makers wish they had.  Be it the Genesis Coupe or Genesis sedan, the fact is like a one two knockout punch, suddenly the emergence of this third tier auto maker as a force to be reckoned with is upon us, but more on that in a minute.

While Lexus stole a page right out of the Mercedes playbook Infiniti took a different path with their Q45.  I don't know how many of you remember the initial advertising blitz which featured such soul stirring images as rocks and nature.  And then reminded us they (Infiniti) didn't need wood on the interior to sell luxury.

Turns out they were wrong.

Second gen Q45's were most memorable for being so un-memorable.

Third generation Q45's benefited from a host of technologies intended to set it apart from a segment that had become even more crowded by some seriously intense competitors.

And that model as well was quickly vanquished into obscurity.

Luxurious?  Yes.

Technological?   Yes.

Innovative?  Yes.

And yet no one took notice or seemed to care.

The last Q45 was the first car to market with a radar controlled cruise control, had benefit of a great V8 coupled with rear wheel drive.  Was appointed very nicely, including prerequisite wood trim - a must for the segment Infiniti learned.

And yet it seems we all missed out on the greatness the Q45 offered.

I have a friend who has a very late model Q45, I honestly snicker every time I see him driving it.

But why?

On paper the first generation and third generation were good cars, maybe even great.

But that bar has been raised, and with competition coming from both ends of the spectrum the question has to be asked whether a new Q45 replacement should really even be considered.

BMW, Mercedes and Lexus own the big sedan market.  And each offering from these makers is a technological wonder with each trying to out do the other to achieve flavor of the week (month or year) status.

One could argue that Infiniti is late to the party.

And whether you want to admit it or not, Hyundai is at the other end quickly gaining ground - and credibility - offering products that truly are world class.  Get past the perception of the Hyundai you once knew and you will realize these guys are serious.

So I again pose the question, should Infiniti even bother bringing a new Q45 (probably a Q50 based on current engine outputs) to market?

A hard question and product marketing case to make, but if you were the big dog at Infiniti with the decision resting on your shoulders, what would your decision be?

Part of the argument for bringing the Q45 back would have to revolve around why the car flopped the last 3 times.  If history repeats itself when not remembered, I think reminding Infiniti what was wrong with the car will help in making the case to bring it back - assuming you think it should be brought back.

Check in and give us your insight, we KNOW the upper level folks at Infiniti read - lets offer them some helpful advice.

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Why Did The Infiniti Q45 Flop And Should They Even Bother With A New One?

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