State officials have floated an idea tossed out a few years ago like bad 1970s bell-bottoms: reducing speed limits to conserve fuel.

Now, in this age of unbearably high gas prices, could 55 be the new 70?

Gov. Jennifer Granholm didn't embrace or rule out the notion Wednesday. A fellow Democrat, state Rep. Aldo Vagnozzi of Farmington Hills, introduced a resolution calling on Congress to reinstitute the national 55-m.p.h. speed limit implemented during the 1970s oil crisis.

"I think it's something we might want to take a look at," Granholm said in response to a question at a roundtable meeting with reporters to unveil a state Web-based service to help Michigan residents save money on housing, health care and gasoline. The governor told reporters she has been riding her bike to work twice a week -- roughly 3 miles from the governor's residence to her office.

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Would You Favor A 55 MPH Speed Limit In Return For Lower Gas Prices?

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