As I said when we first introduced our Brand Image Meter one year ago, when it comes to the power of brands and the inescapable importance of brand image, “It’s the one thing that car companies – both good and bad – cannot escape. How a brand is perceived can make or break a car company, regardless of how long and illustrious a run that brand has enjoyed up until any given point in time, because one false move or one discordant note can be crippling in a matter of months.”

Even though much has gone on in this business since I wrote those words, the reality of that statement rings truer than ever. Brand image is so integral to the success of an automaker that after building a great product (of course), image wrangling has become the No. 1 priority in this business

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YOUR ARE THE EXPERT:  Which Brands Are Floundering And What Brands Are On Fire?

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