When considering purchasing ANY vehicle, probably the single-handedly most important item is how much its insurance will cost. After all, that is a huge, annual cost to endure.

Thanks to our friends at Forbes, who have gone through the trouble of figuring out which cars are the MOST and LEAST expensive to insure, we have a nice list and slideshow for the Spies.

Take a look at the full story and slideshow by clicking "Read Article" down below...

Looking to buy a reasonable ride, something reliable and affordable over the long run? Consider a Mazda Tribute or Dodge Caravan--they have among the lowest average insurance rates in the country.

Most people don't think about how much they'll spend buying coverage when they're picking out a vehicle. But they should--on average, insurance accounts for roughly 11% of total ownership costs over a five-year period. And depending on the model you choose to drive, you could end up paying a lot more....

...The Porsche 911 Carrera coupe ($77,000 MSPR, plus almost $3,000 per year for insurance) and Mercedes-Benz S65 AMG sedan ($201,150 MSRP, plus $2,900 per year) are two of the most expensive vehicles to insure...

**Click HERE for Forbes' slideshow of the MOST and LEAST expensive cars to insure

[Source: Forbes]

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The MOST and LEAST Expensive Cars To Insure

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