I can easily conclude that one of the worse feelings in the world is having a black on black auto in the summertime. That's because if you leave it in sunlight, it will be absolutely sweltering when you get back in. It's brutal.

Now here's the twist. If you have a child or a pet and you have to run a quick errand, we understand it can be a bit of a hassle to get them in and out of the car. BUT there's good reason to take the extra effort. That's because we've all heard too many of those stories where, unfortunately, a youth or a pet succumbs to the deadly heat inside of a vehicle.

This led to a vet to go through the experience himself and capture it on camera so parents and pet owners can understand the effects even if they leave the windows open a bit.

Settle down for a reality check, folks and check out the clip below.

Veterinarian Dr. Ernie Ward stays in a parked car on a summer day to see how dangerous it is to leave a pet inside a car. The car reaches 117 degrees within 30 minutes with all four windows opened 1 to 2 inches.

VIDEO: This Is WHY You DON'T Leave Children Or Pets In Your Car During The Summer

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