Audi has the unique talent of being able to mix the oil and water of the engineering world and somehow turn it into champagne. Take for instance the passenger car and four-wheel drive. Besides the tiny volume production of Jensen, Audi was the only manufacturer that attempted to combine the drivetrain system of agricultural vehicles, like tractors and pickup trucks, in a frame belonging to a regular motor vehicle. It worked brilliantly. Audi found great success with quattro, which helped it dominate rally races and road races alike. Today, quattro is the cornerstone of almost all things Audi. Without it the brand just wouldn't be the same.

The gears are beginning to turn on a new groundbreaking phase for Audi, which is set to revolutionize the auto industry in another way: through the use of diesel power. Diesels aren't anything new, of course, and while Audi has had great success using diesel power on the track, especially with its new TDI Le Mans winning R10 racer, they're far from the first to incorporate Rudolf's invention in race or road cars.On the contrary, they're looking to be the first to create a diesel-powered supercar, based on nothing less than their brand new R8.

The latest evolution of the V8 TDI has yielded a brand new engine that is 4.2-liters in displacement and generates 326 horsepower and 500 lb-ft of torque. With four less cylinders on board, the engine will weigh less and will be more compact in size.

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Audi R8 Will Have a Diesel Option

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