Tag Links: AutoSpies.com, M


One thing you can always count on with AutoSpies.com is that you will always find the hottest automotive news, photos and video anywhere on the web and in print.

And you will always see the best technical innovations here first.

We were the first mainstream automotive site to have user posted editorial content, galleries (photo and video), blogging and social networking tools, etc., etc., etc.

Well, it's time to take to the next level again.

But this time, we need your help as we develop as Steve Jobs would say, the 'Best of Breed' website.

We don't need to be the biggest, just the best.

Anyone who knows me, knows I'd rather be Steve than Bill.

We're in the garage as we speak, cooking up the next set of features and enhancements.

So let us know the things you would like to see, improvements (interface, commenting tools, users garage), new features, more horsepower, etc. in the next version of AutoSpies.com.

We're calling the next version AutoSpies.com 'M' Edition.

Nothing's too crazy, nothing's too small to mention, you have made this site a success and we're driven (pun intended) to giving back. What do you want to see on the 'M' version of AutoSpies.com?

Together, we will always lead the pack!

We're building it, so even more people will come!

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AutoSpies.com 'M' Edition Coming Soon! We Need Your Input!

About the Author
