Yesterday, we kicked off a heated discussion trying to see who the consensus saw as the winner, in the most prestigious image segment in cars today.
And as usual, not only was it an emotional subject but the dialogue was full of wisdom from the most saavy audience of influencers, on the internet and in print.
Here are are a couple of sample quotes I liked:
"I still think it's too early to tell. I think what the point of this thread was to see if you think the Japanese car can throw down with the big German dogs. Once the car comes out, then I think we'll know" adamsaf723
"I've driven BOTH the RS4 (in ALL forms: cabrio, avant and sedan) and the M3 (coupe) and I thought the M3 was the best. But it's very close. The RS4 has better steering. That's it. M3 has an even better engine, an even better throttle response and a better brake feel. The gearbox in the M3 is more precise but the RS4 has shorter, more sportier throws..." SevorbeupstryIsBack
"BMWs are usually the easiest to drive hard. The Audi a close second. The C63 I expect to be fast and clumsy like most AMG's. While I admire Lexus for trying the IS-F better drive alot better than it looks(too boy racer for me)" lyonboy
"Perhaps there is no more bitter combat currently than between BMW and Lexus; it reminds me of Ford and Chevy years ago. These two luxury brands are so different in the execution of the car, one performance and Luxury and the other pure luxury. To hear comments about Lexus burying BMW of vice versa is just nonsense. Since Lexus was introduced both brands have exploded in sells, from different buying demographics. Lexus has done a remarkable job devouring the U.S. luxury market left wide open buy poor products from Cadillac and Mercury, just look at the history of their sells numbers." theoptimisticpessimist
If you haven't read the comments and choices, it's definitely a great read...
Full article here
But today, I want to focus TOTALLY on design.
If your choice was based on looks ALONE, which one of these cars wins the beauty pageant?
Be sure to pick a 'best looking exterior' choice and a 'best looking interior' choice.
And explain WHY they are better, not just...I like the look.
And rank the others in order of your preference.
And if YOU were in charge of their designs, what would you change/improve/delete?
Finally, I'll chime in a little later in the discussion with my pick so see if you can guess what my choice will be as well...should be interesting to see how well you all know 001's taste...