Agent001 submitted on 7/14/2012 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 3:40:05 AM
Views : 50,504 | Category: Photo Galleries | Source:
Comic-Con in San Diego is in full swing and the Agents were there getting by far the BEST shots so far.If you've been digging our shots so far (already being syndicated in major outlets like the Huffington Post), today's will blow you away!There is NO better people watching spot on the planet and we have the photos to prove it!Just when you think we've hit the pinnacle, DAVID HASSELHOFF shows up!Don't worry, Agent 001 did NOT Hassle the Hoff!And we promise you that you won't see a more disturbing photo this year anywhere when you scroll through this article!Check out the photos (over 1100 ALREADY!) and be sure to stay tuned over the next few days as we keeping adding more and more gems to the official 2012 Comic-Con photo gallery.You KNOW we will have the world's BEST photos covering the show!With other sites you're a spectator but at it's like you're THERE!Official Comic-Con 2012 Photo GalleryOfficial Comic-Con 2012 Photo Gallery
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."— Agent001 (View Profile)
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."
— Agent001 (View Profile)
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