Imagine this scenario: You’re stuck in a massive traffic jam after a long day of work. Every song on the radio sucks, you’re bored of all the CDs you have stuck in your audio player, and what you really want is to magically transport home for little nap on your oh-so-comfortable couch. As the traffic moves but ever so slowly, you get sleepier. Hey! How about a cup of espresso?

With Handpresso Auto, you don’t have to leave your car to get yourself a pick-me-up. This handheld device only needs to be plugged into your car’s cigarette lighter socket to heat up. All you have to do is place a packet of strong coffee under the lid, add some water, and let steam do the work. The Handpresso Auto needs approximately 140 watts to power up, and takes about two minutes to brew a single cup. When your espresso is ready, you will hear three beeps followed by the beverage dispensing from below the coffee maker. Be sure to have your cup readily placed before the beeps come.

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