Elon Musk has been dubbed by TIME Magazine as its 2021 Person of the Year. The award, which the magazine gives to an individual or group who most shaped the previous 12 months, for better or worse, has been ongoing for nearly a century. Musk, however, tends to lean on the former, as his influence, from saving American taxpayers billions through SpaceX and shifting the auto industry towards electric vehicles, has been relatively positive overall. 

Musk may be a controversy magnet — his personality and presence both in real life and online make it quite easy — but he does accomplish many things that critics previously thought impossible. As per TIME, 2021 was the year of “Elon Unbound,” from SpaceX winning an exclusive NASA contract to put US astronauts on the Moon for the first time since 1972, to an appearance at Saturday Night Live in May where he revealed he has Asperger’s Syndrome, to Tesla hitting a trillion-dollar market cap after weathering the chip crisis and delivering a record number of pure electric cars during a pandemic.

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Elon Musk Becomes Time Magazine's 2021 Person Of The Year

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