There are times when you come across something that is truly unique, and wonder how someone came up with a design like this. This was definitely the moment that I experience when I came across this “thing” over at Thrilling Wonder. Now it may look like the awesome truck from the TV series ‘Highwayman’ (that I loved watching when I was a child), unfortunately, it doesn’t have the built-in helicopter, but instead it has 3 windshield wipers that I presume rotate like a propeller to get the job done.

It seems that Luigi Colani, who is a Swiss-German industrial designer, is responsible for inspiring these concepts and their organic forms, which he claims are ergonomically superior to traditional designs. What else can one say about these trucks that have taken the usually boring Semis and transformed them into something we don’t expect to see on the roads until the year 2107.

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‘Highwayman’ (weird) trucks are popular again

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