Have you ever wondered was your car logo meant, or how they arrived at that seemingly unrelated design?
Some are pretty obvious, others are pretty dated, and some we frankly have no clue. We know some are related solely to the founder, while others are cloaked in obscurity, but there is a bit of history behind each of them waiting to be discovered if you take the time to look.
Here are a few of the not so obvious to ponder on your quest:
Lamborghini: The Raging Bull
Did you know that the Lamborghini charging bull stands for the founder's, Ferruccio Lamborghini, zodiacal sign the Taurus?

BMW: The Airplane Propeller
How about BMW’s propeller image had its origins in World War I, when the Bavarian Luftwaffe flew planes painted in Bayern blue and white, affording the pilot a view through his propeller of blue and white segments. This inspired the stylized design.

Lexus: The Lexus "L"
Or better yet when someone on the branding team of Toyota heard the "Alexis" proposal. Well it seems the person didn't hear a woman's name but "a Lexus" instead. And the name stuck from that point on, and all models sport the now iconic “L”.

So take a look at your favorite and tell us if you think the logo and history are befitting the brand name.
Some of them may surprise you!
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