Agent009 submitted on 11/19/2014 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 6:31:04 PM
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You have already seen the press scoop on the all new Audi Prologue Concept, the vision of what a new flagship for the German automaker will look like. But do the factory images live up to the hype in the real world? You better believe it does, after looking at these first real life shots of the Prologue up close and personal.You have to marvel at that stunning full dash display that spans across the driver’s and passenger side of the cockpit. There isn’t anything like it out there and your mind begins to race with possibilities. The driver’s pods are a nice touch and are easily configured to your personal needs.If the inside doesn’t make you a fan yet, the outside with the low, wide, and mean stance don’t have to convince you this will be one serious flagship. It makes you wonder just how are BMW and Mercedes going to keep up and quite frankly Lexus has been left in the dust with this one.Below are more than quite a few of the Prologue images to make you an instant fan.**The 2014 Los Angeles Auto Show photo galleries are sponsored by Lexus.2014 Los Angeles Auto Show #LAAS 2014 Los Angeles Auto Show #LAAS
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."— Agent009 (View Profile)
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."
— Agent009 (View Profile)
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