Tag Link: Audi


From the picture this might seem like a two car crash but that is one Audi RS6 ABT whose driver said that his wheels got light and he lost control. The accident happened on the road between Goesdorf and Dahl (wherever that is), shortly after 17:00, when its driver lost control and collided with a roadside tree. The impact broke the car in two. Click through for more images. The driver’s brother-in-law posted the pictures on rs6.com with the following comment:

What you see is what you get, i.e. there was no cutting of the vehicle prior to the pictures being taken.
It is my brother-in-law that you see holding the mobile phone, he honestly doesn’t know the speed that he was going at but wasn’t near as fast as he has done in the past on that particular part of the road.

Although the road was completely dry he said that it felt he was on ice and the car just careened into the tree. He actually called the emergency services and climbed out of the car by himself, he spent only a couple of hours in hospital, apart from a few minor scratches he got a bandage around his little finger, I told him if he’s not already religious he should take it up ASAP!

The car WAS a pristine RS6 ABT, I was supposed to pick it up that very day to borrow it from him for a week as I’ve always wanted to try out the ABT version. He really should have simply told me that he didn’t want me to drive his car I’m so happy he is alive and all in one piece.

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Man crashes Audi RS6, walks away without a scratch

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