Agent009 submitted on 10/8/2012 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 3:02:11 PM
Views : 14,800 | Category: New Cars | Source:
Our honorary spy at large Fred Khaz is at it again with those extra sharp eyes, this time spying a new Mercedes-Benz wagon with Michigan plates. What is different about that you ask? It is minus an exhaust system. Why would you be missing the exhaust? That is unless you don't need it (Electric?) or are hiding something more sinister (upcoming AMG version?).Check out the shots below and give us your best guess as to what this mystery Benz might be:
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."— Agent009 (View Profile)
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."
— Agent009 (View Profile)
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