The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration continues its effort to require new vehicles to feature anti-drunk driving technology. The federal agency published its preliminary report on such a mandate this week, laying out the challenges facing its implementation. NHTSA is also asking for the public to provide feedback on the issue because it’s still an open question about how new vehicles will monitor for impaired drivers.

The agency is curious to learn if the public will accept the potential for false positives that could prevent sober drivers from operating a vehicle. Even if the system is 99.9 percent accurate, that could still amount to a million false positives a day, which will be hard for the public to swallow.

It also wants to know how the government should educate the public about privacy concerns with the technology. More sensors mean more data collection and protecting that information will likely be vital to gaining consumer acceptance.

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NHTSA Wants Your Opinion About Mandated Drunk Driving Technology

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