F1s popularity is rising lately thanks in-part to Drive to Survive, a Netflix series following the F1 season as it unfolds each year. It can be a little dramatic and perhaps embellish reality a bit, but nevertheless, it's getting people excited about F1. Riding this wave of the sport's popularity, Netflix has announced a new film based around the sport called The Formula. No, it's not a period piece like Rush; it's a fictional drama set in the present day, and it's not just about racing.The film is set to star John Boyega as an American F1 driver who, through entanglement with his mob-connected team boss, Robert De Niro, ends up becoming a getaway driver to save the lives of his family. If it sounds a bit like a classic Hollywood movie, well, you're not wrong there. But keep in mind that this film, according to Motorsport.com, is the first to be released about contemporary Grand Prix racing since 1977's Bobby Deerfield starring Al Pacino. That's more than 40 years since there's been a non-documentary film about modern F1.
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