Agent001 submitted on 4/3/2010 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 5:44:57 PM
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The 335d is scary fast on the highway. Even in 6th gear the massive torque output allows the speedo to seamlessly rip through the numbers on its way to triple digits. Good luck adhering to the break-in recommended top speed of 93mph. Throughout our trip both my wife and I were continuously bouncing off our set 90mph speed limit chime with even small applications of right pedal in passing situations. All in all the 335 truly represents Diesel done right and perhaps the ultimate highway-driving machine. In a sleek sexy package you get an absolute fuel sipping torque monster that is comfortable yet incredibly agile. I can honestly say I have absolutely no regrets what so ever having given up my 335i for a 335d. If this is the future of Diesel consider me sold.2010 New York Auto Show Photo Gallery 2010 New York Auto Show Photo Gallery2011 Ford Mustang Photo GalleryGeneva Motor Show Photo Photo GalleriesIf you want to see your photos running on our homepage photo ticker, be sure to upload your photos on the go by sending them to Share on FacebookRead Article
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