Agent001 submitted on 7/13/2023 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 9:28:22 PM
Views : 6,312 | Category: Spy Shots | Source:
Troubling USA numbers on the Taycan.Will they recover or will this be a like a balloon slowly losing air?We say NEIN! And man, there are a LOT owners sitting on some MAJOR depreciation.
NEWS: Porsche sold 1,635 Taycans in the US in Q2, compared to 2,524 in Q2 2022, a -35% drop YoY.— Sawyer Merritt (@SawyerMerritt) July 13, 2023
NEWS: Porsche sold 1,635 Taycans in the US in Q2, compared to 2,524 in Q2 2022, a -35% drop YoY.
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."— Agent001 (View Profile)
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."
— Agent001 (View Profile)
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