Agent001 submitted on 10/25/2012 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 3:51:32 AM
Views : 37,663 | Category: Photo Galleries | Source:
We're just days away from the 2012 SEMA Show in Las Vegas and the anticipation is brewing.First you have Las Vegas. That alone should be able to produce enough insanity for anyone but NO, that's NOT enough.Then you mix in the craziness and sheer out there ideas and then oh, by the way, add Halloween to the mix!Do you get our drift?It's like three funky worlds all crashing into each at the same time every year.It excites us, it disgusts us, it energizes us and damn if walking around there seeing all those beauties doesn't just make any man happy!SENSORY OVERLOAD X 1000!We couldn't wait for the show to start so we had to post this preview gallery and get the engine revving for next week!You know you can count on us for the best shots and coverage of the show so keep checking in is the number one site in the world for auto show photos.With other sites you're a spectator but with Auto Spies is like you're THERE!The 2012 SEMA Show Gallery and coverage is sponsored by LexusSEMA SHOW PREVIEW PHOTO GALLERY
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."— Agent001 (View Profile)
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."
— Agent001 (View Profile)
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