Agent001 submitted on 10/24/2002 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 6:23:55 PM
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Special Edition Coverage: Anaheim Auto Show No longer, a Mickey Mouse event Special edition coverage 2002 Anaheim Auto show The Spies dropped in to the Anaheim Auto Show on Wednesday to check out the offerings from the different manufacturers and catch up on the some of the latest buzz. If you’re from the west coast, you know the L.A. auto show is the big one and Anaheim has always been the red-headed stepchild of western auto shows. That said, we really like the show…the new convention center in Anaheim is great, the crowds aren’t too bad and now that they’ve moved it to mid-October instead of the week before Thanksgiving, the timing is perfect to see the new model year updates from most of the manufacturers. So, definitely take it in, if it’s easy for you to get to Anaheim or sit back, relax and view the Auto Spies photo tour of the show. Enjoy!See our multi-part, photo tour articles on this weeks
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."— Agent001 (View Profile)
"They are being watched. We work in secret. They'll never find us."
— Agent001 (View Profile)
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