It never ceases to amaze us when a company takes a stance in an evenly split debate. You are positively assured to piss off half of your customer base by doing so. So when Goodyear published an internal employee policy guideline that allowed controversial BLM shirts and hats but banned "Back The Blue" outerwear you knew it was a bad move.
Now we here at Autospies fully understand the movements and how polarizing they can be, and we wold never marginalize a specific group. We take the approach like NASCAR does, we allow both.
But imagine the debate that ensued when this came across your screen when you logged in yesterday at Goodyear.

Link to: Law Enforcement Today Article
It looks like a bit later yesterday they realized the misstep and quickly posted an public clarification that they were "law enforcement friendly" in a tweet but did not change the internal policy.
We all can agree we need cops and we need advocates for the mistreated, but do you buy from a company that takes a side?