A lot of people I talk to about the new 2009 BMW 7-Series throw out comments to me like "I can't really tell the difference" between the new one and the old one.
And at first glance it's easy to get that impression.
But when you see these cars side by side, you can see the 99.9% of the new vehicle is new and the improvements are quite substantial in my opinion.
But rather than me talking about it I thought I would take some photos from my gallery of the cars side by side and show you the differences.
Then I thought I would pose the question- "What part of the new 7 has been improved the most in your eyes and are the changes for the better?"
And "What else should they have changed that they didn't?".
2009 BMW 7-Series USA Press Launch Photo Gallery
2009 BMW 7-Series European Press Launch Photo Gallery

Remember, if YOU have photos you want published, email them from your cellphone, digital camera or pc to