Agent009 submitted on 5/20/2010 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 12:43:08 PM
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Mailroom employees at the Toyota Manufacturing Plant in Putnam County first noticed the suspicious package on the Monday. It had no return address and a Nigerian postmark.They contacted local police, and the package was put in a van in the middle of a field on the plant's property in Buffalo, said Sgt. K.S. Dickson with the Winfield State Police detachment. Employees acted with caution, and police and bomb squads were called in for each package, which were revealed Wednesday to be test models for a turn signal invented by a Nigerian man. 2011 BMW New Product Showcase2011 BMW 5-Series USA Production Photo Gallery2010 Hyundai Tucson Photo Gallery2010 Beijing Motor Show Photo Gallery2011 Ford Fiesta Photo Gallery2011 MB E-Class Conv. Photo Gallery2011 BMW X5 Photo Photo GalleriesIf you want to see your photos running on our homepage photo ticker, be sure to upload your photos on the go by sending them to Share on FacebookRead Article
It had no return address and a Nigerian postmark.They contacted local police, and the package was put in a van in the middle of a field on the plant's property in Buffalo, said Sgt. K.S. Dickson with the Winfield State Police detachment. Employees acted with caution, and police and bomb squads were called in for each package, which were revealed Wednesday to be test models for a turn signal invented by a Nigerian man. 2011 BMW New Product Showcase2011 BMW 5-Series USA Production Photo Gallery2010 Hyundai Tucson Photo Gallery2010 Beijing Motor Show Photo Gallery2011 Ford Fiesta Photo Gallery2011 MB E-Class Conv. Photo Gallery2011 BMW X5 Photo Photo GalleriesIf you want to see your photos running on our homepage photo ticker, be sure to upload your photos on the go by sending them to Share on Facebook
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"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."— Agent009 (View Profile)
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."
— Agent009 (View Profile)
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