Mobil 1 has released a new video titled "Breaking Free - A Mobil 1 Film," which wants us to break free from all the electric devices in our lives. It shows a dystopian society where everyone is weighed down by many heavy power cords getting in the way of how everyone enjoys their lives. That is until one man decides that enough is enough and that he must break free and hit the open road, leading him to jump in his truck and sever his cords as he drives off into the distance "For the love of driving."
The company says it's the start of a much larger multi-year campaign that is dedicated to "a philosophy rooted in freedom, appreciation of the journey, and the transformative power of the open road to make your worries melt away." But it's hard to take this at face value when it's coming from one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world, and there seems to be a distinct anti-EV rhetoric in the film that is impossible not to see.
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