We're living in extraordinary times, Spies! There's no question that the highly fluid situation across the globe has been both eye opening as well as disturbing.

Yes, it is bad.

Being in the New York tri-state area, we're getting hit especially hard. Key areas being impacted include New York City, Westchester County and Bergen County. And it's likely to get worse before it gets better.

But imagine if you had the perfect rig for an apocalyptic nightmare? Those folks touting #vanlife may have been onto something after all, right?

Check out the story we caught wind of from the Daily Mail. It profiled a Canadian couple who took a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van and turned it into their own tiny home. It's got everything one could need with the exception being a toilet — that's a dealbreaker for me.

Right now they're camping around Mexico far from people and far from concern. That said, I've got to ask: Does this couple have it ALL figured out?

A couple who converted a van into a home to avoid pricey apartments are now traveling across continents with their two dogs, insist they are safer on the road than back in Canada.

Crystal Drinkwalter, 25, and Jazmyn Canning, 26, decided to spend $18,400 buying the 92-square-feet 2006 Mercedes Sprinter and turning it into a cozy home instead of renting an apartment.

The millennials exclusively told how they renovated the van themselves despite not having any plumbing or electrical experience and relied on YouTube videos to show them how to finish the job. 

The mobile home includes a kitchen with running water, a pantry and solar panels on the roof - but no toilet...

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#VANLIFE: Does This Canadian Couple Have It ALL Figured Out? No Worries About Coronavirus When You're Mobile...

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