Remember when people laughed when Microsoft was at the pinnacle with Windows and people said Apple would be a real challenge?

I do. It seemed like an impossible feat for ANYONE to challenge Bill Gates and his machine. Let alone win.

But Apple DID end up doing the impossible and many still can't believe it.

How does that relate to the auto industry you ask?

Well, Ford is in a similar situation with their F-150 business like when Microsoft was at their peak.

And on 6/25, the stage is set for them to continue their leadership and innovate or take a risk and play the safe card.

001, HOW is playing is safe a RISK?

Simple. In years past, there was no Apple in the car business who could bring something truly revolutionary to the table.

Enter Tesla with CyberTruck.

This puts Ford in the precarious position of having to choose between slow and steady with bursts here and there of innovation OR GO FOR BROKE and become an innovator no one can touch. NOT easy.

And it doesn't help that RAM and GM are breathing down their necks.

So our question is with ALL this anticipation of the upcoming 2021 F-150 do you think we will feel like we just came out of an Apple event after seeing it? All hot and bothered with it being the NEXT thing and a GOTTA HAVE IT lust? Or will we depart deflated saying it's pretty much the same thing with a bigger screen and some  new colors and options.

WHICH side are you placing YOUR money on?

PLACE YOUR BETS! Will Ford Hit It Out Of The Park With The 2021 F-150 Or Will We Be Scratching Our Heads And Yawning?

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