He describes his first JawsFest on the Vineyard in 2012 as, “a life-changing event,” where he met some of the film’s living actors and others involved in the filmmaking. He met Wendy Benchley, widow of Jaws author Peter Benchley, which led to his involvement in shark conservation. It’s a passion he supports by donating a portion of the proceeds from his hot sauces for advocacy to end the shark fin trade.

Part of his Jaws fandom includes a 15-year search for a 1975 Chevy Blazer, like the one Chief Brody drove in the movie.

All the while, DiSaverio obsessed about a 1975 Blazer. He said he checked the internet every few months to see if one was for sale “anywhere in the country.” In July, during the 45th anniversary of Jaws, he bought his vintage Blazer from a North Carolina owner.

Unable to afford the cost of having it shipped to him, he flew south to “get my new baby” and drove it back to Portsmouth. He calls the Blazer “Martin,” Chief Brody’s first name.

While driving through the center of Portsmouth last week, two beat officers turned their heads as he went past, one shouting, “Jaws!”

“I get a lot of honks and fists in the air,” he said.

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Bet THIS Tribute Vehicle Will Take A BITE Out Of You And Drop Some JAWS!

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