No matter how much research you do on sites like ours, test driving, reading vehicle and dealer reviews or jsut asking friends, you can still end up buying something that you truly despise in the end.

Most have us have done that once, or twice in our lives.

For whatever reason/reasons, the reality didn't match the dream.

So as you go about your 4th of July weekend, hopefully relaxing and doing fun stuff, think about that vehicle or vehicles that when you traded them in or sold them, you were MOST happy to DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE from them.

And tell us what they where and why.

And while we're on the theme of the 4th and America the beautiful, GOD BLESS AMERICA and a salute to all the men and women who love and defend our land! Enjoy!

WHICH Vehicle Did You Trade-In Or Sell That You Were MOST Happy To DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE From?

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